Thursday, June 12, 2008

What Iv'e Eaten today

Ive eaten...

7 Swedish fish - 140

5 mini rice cakes - 24

cup of unsweetened tea - 0

Diet Dr. Pepper - 0

2 cups Coffee - 5
Caloric total as of 5:35pm = 169 calories

Well, anything is better than yesterday's binge . . .

Picture Post!!!

These are pictures I took last year, when I just happened to see the most beautiful sunset of my life.
It looked like the sky was on fire, yet radiant and bursting with life.

This is why I love Arizona.
That and the fact, that there are major spas within minutes of my house.

However, ironically I have never been in spa, but I have ALWAYS wanted to go to one. One day, I swear I will.

It glows.

Slightly askew, but still cool.
Fuck. I wish I had a digital camera.
It's supposed to be for the family's use, but my dad steals it to take pictures for his work.
How annoying....

Feel my pain? Anyone?
Just so you know - I just updated my profile. If anyone's interested....
look at it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I ate WAY too much today. Ouch.
These past two days = too much food.
I'm thinking about The Master Cleanse. Aka The Lemonade Diet
I really want to do it, and I have enough lemons - maybe I'll just fast instead.
We'll see.
In other news....
I am NOT going to Florida. My dreams of the best summer ever are crushed under the evil loathesome foot that is my douchebag of a father. Maybe if he didn't spend money at the bars and not spend extravagant amounts of money on the cunt that he's cheating on my mother with, we could go.
Thanks dad.
other than that...
I'm purging my room tomarrow! Yay for cleanliness! The reason I'm doing it is to put my new candle holders up on the wall. I always seem to do cleaning when I get new candles, probably becuase I can see them better and not worry about them catching on fire....
And when I'm cleaning I'm FINALLY going to put up My friend Marissa's old bed! THANK GOD. Maybe buy some paint and just paint the walls with whatever.
And when I'm not going to be doing that I'm going to start the four books I have to read over the summer. Joy.
Critical reading essays and Dialect Journals here I come!
Just a brief update on what I'm doing. Pictures are a possibility....
Just saying.
xoxo Lindz